Philosophy of the gallery

Igallery was born from our passion for art, rummaging in the studios of the artists we have found those works that were only sketches, the beginning of a story, and that had been submerged due to the author’s ownn maelstrom. Works with some sediment, which are an essential part of the evolution of each one of the artists and that give meaning to their latest creations exhibited in the traditional art circuit.

We offer you a new service through which you will be able to see the pieces in detail at any time and from anywhere, and if any work sparks your interest you can see it live by making an appointment.

Selected artists exhibit their work regularly in national and international galleries and museums, as you can see in the attached CVs.

Igallery continguts,  S.L.
Main Office
Carretera de Andratx,12.
07181 – Cas Catala (Calvia) Islas Baleares
Tel. +34 648 728 069

Igallery Continguts S.L.
Exhibition space
Cecilio Mételo, 6
07003 – Palma de Mallorca. Islas Baleares
Visits by appointment

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Información básica sobre privacidad: El responsable del tratamiento es IGALLERY CONTINGUTS S.L. La finalidad es la atención a su consulta y la mejora de la calidad. Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos como se explica en nuestra política de privacidad web

The exhibition can be visited by appointment.

Design and programming
Pictures © Vicens Negre.